
Schratz, Joseph

St. Joseph High School, 11

I am uncertain what my future will hold however I am interested in both the trades and technology. I would like to get experience working in multiple fields before committing to one.

Sciulli, Veronica Rose

North Hills Senior High School, 11

I plan on studying engineering after high school and continuing community service.

Shaker, Geina

Greater Latrobe Senior High School, 12

I plan to major in Biology on a pre-med track at an undecided college. I hope to participate in service projects, research, and a study abroad experience at college. I will then attend medical school to become a doctor. I am excited to combine my fascination for the human body with the ability to directly improve my patient’s quality of life.

Sharma, Nitish

Upper St. Clair High School, 12

After graduating this year, I plan on studying Biochemistry at a four-year university starting this fall. I would like to use the knowledge I gain to build upon my love for the life sciences and give back to the local community by volunteering to improve human health and accessibility to quality care. I am also passionate about environmental sustainability and world affairs, so I look forward to taking part in student organizations and clubs that center around those areas.

Shi, Christina

North Allegheny Senior High School, 11

I am currently a student athlete and a two-time USA Diving regional champion. Last November, I verbally committed to Harvard University to continue my athletic and academic career there. I’m very excited to be part of the Harvard Women’s Swimming and Diving program, and I plan to study and major in a STEM-related field.

Shifko, Sydney

Jeannette Senior High School, 12

I will be attending Saint Francis University in the fall, majoring in Physician Assistant Sciences and I am hoping to minor in American Sign Language.
While in college, I will also be a member of the marching and pep bands, and I plan on participating in one of their community outreach clubs.

Smietana, Sophie

Kiski Area High School, 11

I’m currently applying to be drum major or section leader in the Kiski Area Marching Band. This summer, I’m going to the National Student Leadership Conference for the Forensic Science program at the American University in Washington D.C. I’m not certain on the college I will attend or the major I will choose at this point, but I hope that attending the conference will help me decide. Right now, I’m deciding between forensic science, astrophysics, and chemistry majors.

Spinelli, Justine

St. Joseph High School, 11

Stelitano, Hannah

Shaler Area High School, 11

My future plans after graduation are pursuing a college masters or doctorate degree. I am considering journalism, marketing, or advertising studies. After graduating college, I also plan to open a dance studio.

Stickney, Anabel

St. Joseph High School, 12

I will either be attending Penn State University Park for Landscape Architecture or Franciscan University for Occupational Therapy.

Sullivan, Zachary

Fox Chapel Area High School, 11

I plan to attend a four-year university majoring in Entrepreneurship and Business/Accounting. My ultimate goal is to become successful enough to have a meaningful impact in my community.

Tabor, Kylie

Jeannette Senior High School, 12

I plan to pursue my undergraduate degree in biology and continue my education into medical school. I want to study to become an OB/GYN and go into fertility medicine. My goal is to help every woman who seeks my help be able to successfully start a family.

Talarico, Estrella

Leechburg Area High School, 12

My future plans are to attend Slippery Rock University Fall 2022. I will be majoring in Elementary Education and International Studies. I intend to use my education to help children in get a great start in their education in order to help set them up for future successes. In perusing an international component to my degree, I would also like to be able to teach in Mexico. I hope to be able to be an example to them of how hard work and dedication can help them to be successful.

Testa, Rebecca

Norwin High School, 12

After graduating from high school, I plan to pursue a degree in Electrical Engineering with the intention of one day working in the field of rehabilitation robotics.

Vigna, Sarah

Pine-Richland High School, 12

I plan to go to a 4 year college to study sports medicine.

wang, Daniel

Upper St. Clair High School, 12

I plan on studying engineering in college. I hope I can continue competitive swimming and/or triathlon outside the academic pursuit.

Waqas, Zainub

Springdale Junior/Senior High School, 12

I am planning to come back to the United States after my exchange program for my undergraduate studies. I want to major in Computer Science and have applied to 20 colleges including 5 IVY League colleges and have been accepted to University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania State University, Virginia Tech University, Duquesne University and DePaul University. I have not committed to a college yet as I am waiting for answers from all the colleges I applied to. My dream college is CMU. Answer awaited

Witherspoon, December

Penn Hills High School, 12

I plan to attend Temple University to study video production and film editing which peaked my interest when I turned 8 years old. I have been in front of the camera doing things such as modeling, a tv segment commercial and various background movie scenes. I worked with Wilhelmina which exposed me to the different outlets I was able to partake in. This led me to starting my own YouTube channel at the age of 10. I started learning how to record and edit myself and want to expand on my craft.

Witt, Aaron

Kiski Area High School, 12

I plan to pursue my educational interests by attending a 4 year college studying Computer Science, with a focus in Artificial Intelligence. While at college, I plan to join clubs that allow me to stay involved in the community and build character. I also hope to continue job shadowing and find an internship at an innovative company developing new technology.

Yang, Zixuan Yolanda

Oakland Catholic High School, 12

Looking back to pictures of the younger version of myself, I almost never smiled because I was a girl with tooth decay and interdental gaps. I was never confident enough to smile and show my teeth. As my family moved to a larger city, I was able to see a dentist, get braces, and have my teeth whitened. Because of this experience, I want to become a dentist in the future to help people with oral problems and provide them with nice smiles and confidence.

Yende, Siddharth

Fox Chapel Area High School, 12

I hope to graduate college as a 2nd Lieutenant in the US Air Force through a ROTC program or the United States Air Force Academy.

Yurkovich, Sara

Montour High School, 12

My post-secondary plans are to attend Kent State University and major in American Sign Language. I know that I want to help people in life and have dedicated much of my time in high school doing so. Many of my experiences, both in school and in my community, are helping to shape my future plans. I know that I want to continue making a difference. I will take part in many organizations in college. My goal is to change the world with my hands.

Zale, Rylan

St. Joseph High School, 12

My future plans include attending Slippery Rock University to study Sports Management, with the goal of finding a career in the business field of professional sports.