
Ashley Vith

Montour High School, 12

Dawnn Vith

Academic Achievement

Athlete Scholar, Student Athlete – 4 Years
Dual Enrolled (High school and college classes), student – 1 Year
Student of the month, 1 per grade year – 4 Years
Acts of Random Kindness Awards, President – 2 Years
National Honor Society, Member – 1 Year

Extracurricular Activities

Montour Varsity Girls soccer, Member – 4 Years
Yearbook Staff, Member – 2 Years
Educator’s Rising, President – 1 Year
Best Buddies / Unified Bocce, Secretary for the club and a participant on the team – 1 Year
Classroom Cupboard, Member – 2 Years

Community Involvement

Volunteered at Special Olympics, Student Ambassador – 3 Years
School Tutoring, I am a Tutor – 4 Years
Volunteer at Youth Soccer Camps, Student Ambassador – 6 Years
Volunteer at Vacation Bible School, Group Leader – 2 Years
Volunteer at Aspinwall Borough Movies in the park, Student Ambassador – 2 Years


Attending Westminster College with an intended major of Early Childhood Education and Special Education. I will also be on the Women’s Soccer team and I will also be a member of Westminster All College Honors Program.