
Jayne Miner

Sewickley Academy, 12

Douglas & Stephanie Miner

Academic Achievement

National Merit Finalist, Finalist – 1 Year
Top 50 Fundraiser Award for Walk MS Pittsburgh, Intern – 4 Years
President’s Award (for leadership), Sewickley Academy – 1 Year
Brain Bee: 2nd Place, Pittsburgh Chapter (International Neuroscience Competition), Member – 1 Year
Cum Laude Society (founded in 1906 & honors scholastic achievement), Member – 1 Year

Extracurricular Activities

Student Administration/Government (Student Body President (12), Home & School Representative (11), Admin Rep (9/10) ), President – 4 Years
Global Studies Program (requires global competence in the 4 primary domains of language, global education courses, cultural engagement & global action), Student Ambassador – 4 Years
Junior Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh & Voice Student, Molly Stater Studio, Member – 4 Years
Varsity Track & Field (distance runner), Captain – 3 Years
Sewickley Academy Concert/Jazz Band, PYCO (Pittsburgh Youth Concert Orchestra) Chamber Brass, Member – 4 Years

Community Involvement

Belize GPSA (Global Public Service Academy) World Health Clinical Service Trip, Student Ambassador – 1 Year
Poland Study Seminar w/Classrooms Without Borders (nonprofit) & Holocaust survivor Howard Chandler, Student Ambassador – 1 Year
MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Society, Pennsylvania Keystone Chapter, Intern, Member – 12 Years
Outreach360 (nonprofit)- Dominican Republic, Teacher (2 classes)- HS Biology/MS Science – 1 Year
Starbucks, Barista – 1 Year


My passion for science and global studies has provided me with in-depth knowledge and diverse perspectives that have influenced my future goals. By studying neuroscience and global health in college, I plan to join the fight for global health equity. Although medical research has given us many resources to prevent, manage, and cure diseases, the distribution of these is highly inequitable. I plan to use the tools I have and the ones I gain to make a change in the global healthcare system.